I've been licking my wounds all weekend, mourning anew my father's passing. Today was not a good pain day for me, either physically or emotionally. The Mrs was more herself today than I've seen her in a long time, but even the joy that came from witnessing that didn't last very long. Before long, the clouds rolled in and the day was grey again.
I came home from work and sequestered myself on the couch, not wanting to talk to or see anyone. When the phone rang, I handed it to my son to answer, not expecting the call to be for me. It usually never is; the kids seem to have handed out our number to half the western world.
But, it WAS for me. It was my boss at hospice, asking me if I could take on a patient. This particular patient is different to my past patients, both in age and in physical ability - and she/he (I'm not really allowed to divulge gender lest someone related to them reads this and is able to identify their relative. All hell would break loose were that to happen, and I'd be fired) also has some pretty unique issues that make caring for her more challenging.
It never fails to happen, y'all. Never. The universe, the cosmos, what some people call god and others jehovah or yahweh.....it always, always, always rescues me. Always. Whenever I'm feeling lost, whenever I'm questioning my situation, wondering if I'm doing/have done the right thing, whenever I'm feeling soul-deep sad.....it always comes and lets me know that it's there and shows me just where I'm supposed to go next. Sometimes it's a gentle nudge in the form of a call or a meeting, and sometimes it's a slap in the face in the form of a traumatic event. It's happened so many times that I can no longer chalk it up to coincidence. I just can't, and I won't.
I don't know where this new path is going to lead, but I do know that I'll end up exactly what I'm supposed to be doing, when and where I'm supposed to be doing it.
I am, however, glad that there wasn't a need for any trauma this time.