Do you have a flatulence problem? Have your friends and family nicknamed you 'Thunder Pants' or 'Gassy McFartalot'? Do you own stock in Beano or Phazyme?
If you answered 'yes' to any of those questions, I have good news for you! Under-Tec Corp has created 'Under-Ez', underwear with a built-in filter designed to neutralize those embarrasing odiferous emanations. They come in many sizes, from small to XXXL, and are available in a boxer short design for men and a granny-knicker style for women. They're air-tight and washable, and they should last almost as long as regular underwear! So, don't delay! Get your pair of Under-Ez today! Your friends and family will thank you for it!
*I wish that I was kidding. I'm not: Link *