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A Buddhist primer.
Published on April 28, 2004 By dharmagrl In Religion
I've been asked on more than one occasion recently how Buddhism 'works'....what it's basic 'rules' (for want of a better word) are and how it's similar to Christianity.

I thought that the best place to start would be to explain the 5 basic precepts. These are the things I agreed to do when I made the decision to practice Buddhism.

To refrain from killing and harming living beings.

To refrain from stealing and taking that which is not yours.

To refrain from causing harm through sexual misconduct.

To refrain from false speech, harmful speech, gossip and slander.

To refrain from the misuse of intoxicants or sunstances such as drugs and alcohol that cause carelessness or loss of awareness.

These are the basics...without them my spiritual practice is a sham; meaningless. I can see many similarites between just these 5 thoughts and Christianity's basic teachings:

Do not commit murder (Exodus c20, v13)

Do not steal (Exodus c20, v15)

Do not commit adultery (Exodus c 20, v14)

Do not testify falsely against your neighbor (Exodus c20, v 16)

I hope that this clarifies things a little.

Next time I'll go into more depth, but I think this is a good start.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Apr 30, 2004
dharma, that statement didn't offend me in the least. With all due respect, it rather baffled me.

I'm just curious what you mean when you say "impermanent"... do you mean in the long run? Basically we'll all die, go in our graves and that will be the end of us? Or do you mean that next week, month or year what you did today doesn't affect the future? I'm guessing you mean the previous, but I'm just curious.

Thanks again for sharing your views... I hope you feel in no way that I've "preached" to you... but what is the difference in what teachercreature said (which you called preaching) and what you're saying. Obviously they're two different viewpoints, but maybe she was just sharing hers, not trying to "convert" etc.

on Apr 30, 2004
By impermanent, I mean ever-changing. I am molecularly not the same person today that I was yesterday...just as I am not the same person I was 10 years ago. Everything is always changing, nothing ever remains the same.

What I do does affect my future, how can it not? I learnt that the hard way in the past year...some in good ways , some in not.

You haven't preached to me Sarah, nor have you attempted to try and convert me. I appreciate that.
on Apr 30, 2004
Alright, I think I know what you mean by impermanent. But are you just talking physically?

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