*I posted this under 'art' because I don't know where else to post it. There's no 'hobbies' category, and 'misc' just doesn't seem right. Besides, there are a few PC knitters who call themselves 'fiber artists', so in some sense 'art' is where this article belongs'
This is the yarn I've been obsessing over for the past few days:
It's by Patons, and it's called SWS - Soy Wool Stripes. It's 70% wool and 30% soy and is delightful to work with. The particular color I'm using is called 'natural blue', and I'm making fingerless mitts and a scarf out of it. I'm knitting it in the round so that the only seam I'll have in it is the side of the thumb.
This is a beaded wrist band I made for Shea last week:
It didn't photograph as well as I'd like, but as you can see it's a skull and crossbones. Davey has a white one but he can't find it
I have an Ohm symbol wristband I made for myself. It's black pearescent beads on black cotton, which doesn't photograph well at all and I wore the batteries on the camera out trying to get a shot of it. I'm also working on a yellow and black biohazard symbol, which I'll post a pic of as soon as I finish it.
Also on the go is a lace scarf that I'm making for my mom for Christmas. As soon as the batteries have recharged, I'll post pics of both the Ohm and the scarf.